Holloway Insurance Services
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Phone Number: 01460 206588
Skandia, Lambrook Road, Shepton Beuachamp, Ilminster, TA19 0NA
Website: http://www.hollowayinsurance.co.uk
We don’t believe in finding you cheap business insurance, we believe in finding you the best business insurance and working with you to ensure that you are supported at all stages.
We carry out our own assessment of your business needs, risks, and budgets, to ensure we fully understand what you need. We will then compare business insurance policies from over 300 insurers to find the one that meets those needs best and negotiate the best price for you.
With over 30 years’ experience, we are the experts in insurance and working with companies just like yours. We are also independent business owners ourselves so we understand that you are probably too busy to spend time sifting through hundreds of quotes, so we will break things down and make sure you get all the relevant information, without all the jargon!
Today's Weather
Heavy Rain
High: 5°C | Low: 4°C
Heavy Rain
High: 5°C | Low: 4°C
Heavy Rain
High: 5°C | Low: 4°C
Heavy Rain
High: 5°C | Low: 3°C
Heavy Rain
High: 5°C | Low: 3°C
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